Kings of Fears
Phobias. A person lives, works, studies, plays. Actively interacts with people, but absolutely every one of us has fears and anxieties that we face throughout our lives. Some of us have kings of fears - phobias. They are more dangerous. If the usual fear can be overcome, then it is almost impossible to "negotiate" with a phobia. At least by the fact that a phobia can be irrational. It paralyzes our mind, our body, and often our life. Makes us feel inferior, yet special. Phobias force us to change our habitual life, to build workarounds, and from time to time, seeing only the shadow of our phobia, we begin to look for a workaround. We avoid meetings, do not go out on the street, we avoid all areas of our life where there can only be a hint of the object of our all-consuming fear. We can't even really describe what is happening to our perception. We can't show what it's like to live with something like this, but we can show pictures of what it looks like.