Adult life with children’s luggage

Adult life with children’s luggage
I was fascinated by the idea that we adults are not so guilty of our behavior, that we are like that. Maybe it all comes from childhood? Maybe we all carry our own; "children's luggage"? It became interesting for me to talk to people, to find out if they have any attitudes from childhood? How are they aware of them? How do they get rid of the consequences of childhood injuries? Are they rearranging their behavior now? And how did their adult life turn out with "children's baggage"? After talking to people, I selected the characters for the project, trying to pick up different topics. All of them wrote texts trying to answer the question "How did the attitudes from childhood affect adult life"? Past the text, the heroes of the project visualized their stories. For the project, I took pictures of children without a face image. I wanted to show defenselessness, physicality, vulnerability. I offered to choose each narrator himself, a suitable photo that responds more to their condition, for further work with the picture. Thanks to this collaboration, photographic images and artistic interpretations of storytellers' stories have emerged. The opportunity to experience the story through a visual image. To give an opportunity through manipulation with a photo to tell a person not only with words, but also with something subconscious.